Les étudiants de l'ISSEA

List of students school year 2012 - 2013.

Find the list of 43 students of the stream # Technicien Supérieur de la Statistique # and class # :class_name #.

Class :: :class

Portrait Matricule Full Name Country of origin Actions
12102 M. TATA MAXIN Cherubain RCA To know more
12101 M. RAKANE YASSINGO Rodrigue RCA To know more
12099 M. OUBOURA Rodrigue Yves Congo To know more
12096 M. NZATI ETHEL Cédric Cameroun To know more
12093 M. NKOGHO OBAME Aaron Darhyl GABON To know more
12090 Mlle. N’DONGA BITCHEBE Célestine Stella Cameroun To know more
12082 M. KOUNDOUSSAKANI Germain RCA To know more
12083 M. KOYANGBANDA GOMASSILI Marius Rodrigue RCA To know more
12084 Mlle. MAPESSI Lilia stella To know more
12085 M. MBAKOP YOPPA Dan Yves Cameroun To know more
12086 M. MBOUKOU MOUANDA Paul Garcia Congo To know more
12088 M. MOUTNGUI SEE Timothée Raoul Cameroun To know more
12089 M. NDANGA BEKOMBO Daniel Cameroun To know more
12059 M. AGANA AZOE Arthur Cameroun To know more
10TSS02 M. EDU MBA MENGA Felipe Guinée Equatoriale To know more
10TSS03 M. NDONG ELO MAMVORA Martin Guinée Equatoriale To know more
10TSS07 M. OTONG BIBANG NZALBEE S.I. Guinée Equatoriale To know more
10TSS08 Mlle. OYANA ESONO Sinforosa Guinée Equatoriale To know more
11TSS04 M. BELLAS SIMANGUE Georges Gaëtan. RCA To know more
10TSS04 M. NKULU OKOMO Agustin Guinée Equatoriale To know more

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